Creating a customer for the first time
Our add customer tool for suppliers, allows any supplier user to connect to a new venue and begin trading immediately.
To add a new customer: Go to Customers > Then click on the Add Customer button
Get your customers self-ordering: To get your customers self-ordering you will need to add users. To do this you will need to know their email address. You can add the user when adding the customer record (at the end of the form), or if you are not quite ready for self-ordering at the time of setting up your customner, you can add them later. See adding users to existing venues.
Extra details about each field on the Add Customer Tool
Venue Details:
When adding a Trading Name (the name you refer to the venue by) we will search our database of venues. If we match it with a venue, we will help you by pre-filling in some of the data including ABN and Delivery Address
If you don't want this venue to place orders immediately, i.e. you may be waiting on some details/contract etc, you can deselect “Make this venue active on creation”. You will then be able to filter a list of all deactivated venues, and activate them when convenient.
Delivery and Billing Address
When we know the venue you are trying to add, we will pre-fill in the address information
You can override these changes or enter them in for the first time
You can select a different billing address, if required
Invoice and Payment settings
The settings available here are based on your global settings and can be updated post adding customer (from the customer page)
Trading Terms:
We will set these up using the defaults you have selected
These can be changed now, or anytime in the future
Venue Owner:
This field is required if you want to to enable self-ordering
Any venue user email can be added to it, not necessarily the venue owner
All users added here will be immediately sent an invitation to trade via this new venue
If the user you are trading with already exists on Ordermentum, you DO still need to add the user to this venue - this is a required data and security step, protecting both retailers and suppliers
If you wish, you can set the user up now, but send the invitation step later by deselecting “Send this user a welcome email on creation”
For more information about adding users, see the support article --> link to adding users
Creating Multiple Venues at once
- Use the dropdown, next to save, to select Save and Create Another