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How to: Connect Ordermentum to Unleashed as a Supplier
Updated over a week ago

What is Unleashed?

Unleashed is an Inventory Management SaaS. Connecting Ordermentum to Unleashed means that all orders that are placed are automatically synced across to Unleashed.

Setup in Unleashed prior to connecting to Ordermentum

  • A new warehouse needs to be setup in Unleashed with the warehouse code ‘OM_DELETE’

  • To setup the warehouse in Unleashed Go to Settings | System | Warehouses

  • The ‘OM_DELETE’ warehouse needs to be setup because if orders are edited in Ordermentum they don’t update the order in Unleashed instead deleting it and creating a new one. e.g. if an order is edited in Ordermentum the one in Unleashed is deleted and a new Order is created. The new order created in Unleashed will have a new order number but the Ref will remain as Ordermentum Order Number. The older orders will be allocated to the OM Delete Warehouse

  • Also take note of the main warehouse code(s) as this need to be added as a property in Ordermentum against Customers & Order

  • Freight - if you charge freight in Unleashed you will need to setup a Non-diminishing Product called Freight. Be sure to take note of the product code.

What setup is required in Ordermentum?

A few properties need to be setup in Ordermentum to ensure orders are synced in correctly into Unleashed. To setup Properties in Ordermentum go to Settings>Properties

1. Unleashed Warehouse (Required field)

  • Setup a Dropdown Property in Ordermentum called Unleashed Warehouse with a Property Tag unleashed_warehouse and attached Orders and Customers

  • At the very least you should have your ‘OM_DELETE’ warehouse setup as an option. You can add additional warehouses setup however if you don't the order will be automatically be allocated to your default warehouse.

2. Unleashed Customer Code (Required field)

  • Setup a Text Property called Unleashed Customer Code with a Property Tag unleashed_customer_code attached to Orders, Customers & Invoices

  • The Unleashed Customer Code should be allocated against the corresponding the Customer in Ordermentum

Unleashed Ordermentum


3. Unleashed Freight Property (Optional)

  • If your charge freight in Ordermentum you will need a freight property setup called Unleashed Freight Product Id with a Property Tag unleashed_freight_product_id attached to Customers, Orders & Invoices

  • The Product Code from the Freight Product setup in Unleashed will need to be attached to all customers

4. Unleashed Order Number Property (Optional but recommended)

  • Setup a text property called Unleashed Order Number with a Property Tag unleashed_order_no attached to Orders & Invoices

  • When an order from Ordermentum syncs in to Unleashed it will populate with the Unleashed order number

5. Unleashed Sync Time Property (Optional but recommended)

  • Setup a Date Property called Unleashed Sync Time Property with a Property Tag unleashed_synced_at and attach it to Orders & Invoices

  • If an order syncs into Unleashed successfully it will create a date and time stamp against the order in Ordermentum

6. Unleashed Sync Error

  • Setup a Text Property called Unleashed Sync Error with a Property Tag of unleashed_sync_error

  • If an order DOES NOT sync into Unleashed successfully it will populate with an error explaining why

Connecting Ordermentum to Unleashed

  • Go to Settings> Integrations> connect to Unleashed

  • You’ll be prompted to enter your API ID and API Key. These are found in Unleashed in the left hand toolbar under Integration>Unleashed API access (some users may not have access to this)

  • Simply copy and paste Your API ID and Your API Key into the corresponding fields in Ordermentum and click connect

  • As soon as you connect any new orders will sync across to Unleashed

As always if you need any assistance please contact our support team at

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